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HD Voice calling - AMR-WB and EVS on ZenFone 8

Star III
I bought a ZenFone 8 a few days ago and noticed that the call quality was very poor. I think it is because there is no HD Voice calling AMR-WB (Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband) and EVS (Enhanced Voice Services) codecs are missing and do not work in 3g. Are there any plans to add them to fix the issue? What is the expected timeline?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Hi @keskeerik
We are testing HD voice in Europe now. We will enable it as soon as we have positive feedback from our test squad.

Star III
That is great news! Thank you very much for your answer, it means that I don't have to return my phone.

Star II
Hi @Kris_ASUS ,
This is fantastic.
When you say in Europe does that mean that it will be implemented across all carriers in Europe or only for some specific ones (like it is for VoLTE)?

Thank you

Rising Star II
Just thinking loud but It may be tested on EU fw version. Am I right? 🙂