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Yesterday Android 11 rolled out in India but Why I haven't got the OTA

Star II
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Since everyone getting the android 11 ota but from yesterday iam checking the system update i have'nt got the latest update why ?

Rising Star I
Can anyone manually push the ota onto the phone from back-end by any developer, if I share my series number or any other detail which differentiate the devices from the ones who recieved an update? Just a thought came

Community Legend II

Can anyone manually push the ota onto the phone if I share my series number or any other detail which differentiate the devices from the ones who recieved an update? Just a thought came

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Your serial number is included in a batch and please be patient Android 11 will reach you soon
Sometimes it takes a week to reach users. In my case when Android 10 was released for 5z i got FOTA on 7th day of its release, so i think same case goes here as Android 11 is a big size firmware it is released slowly with limited users and in batches to avoid server loads and unstability to users.
If you are so egar to test Android 11 than you are free to update manually download file from asus website and put it in internal storage and restart remember that file should be a solo file in internal storage dont include it in any folder or file. Now you are done.

Rising Star I
That's what I said I will wait for a week I think it will be available by then

Star III

That's what I said I will wait for a week I think it will be available by then

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@Nikhilaggarwallive I wanted to ask you a question did you open settings and in there system and in there system update and check for update or are u waiting for a notification which says update is available bro if your waiting for the notification and didn't check in settings then you better do that because sometimes u won't get a notification and u need to check manually if u have checked then I request you to stay calm for a week and if u still didn't receive an update contact @Anders_ASUS or directly contact asus customer care

Rising Star I
I am checking the system updates manually all the time & yes I'll wait for a week otherwise will reac out to some moderator directly . Waiting till next Saturday
Had a word with asus customer care, they simply denied that no such updates are rolled out for zenfone 6 😂😂