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Hidden apps

Rising Star I
Asus , when we hide apps , the apps are hiding good , but we are intended to use that apps we are forcing to unhide that application
Please bring a update for to use apps in hidden mode only , withouth unhide apps again

Community Legend II

When we given mobile to kids they directly open games ,it was not good for their healthy purpose ,

So if we hide those apps , they disappear ,so they will deviate

When we want ,we can use them ,when kids were not there

But in right now we have to use that apps , we need to unhide again,

It is request to give opition to use app in hide mode only withouth unhiding

Don't give me suggestions use third party launccher , i dont prefer third party apps , due to privacy and irrational things

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For your use case perhaps using the AppLock function can be more suitable?

Another way would be to enable "Screen Pinning" and then also "PIN to unpin" - and then pin the specfic app before handing the phone over.