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Android 11 stable Related Upset

Rising Star I

Others brands always make their customers clarified about when they are going to release any os upgrade update. But I am very upset that Asus doesn't do the same thing with their customer.
Sometimes it's getting too worried. & We started to fix several controversial dates.
Please Asus tell us any exact date or week. Please @Anders_ASUS

Rising Star I
I agree, just be patient for goodness sakes

Rising Star II
All users are unique and their usage / reliability differs so as their view on software.
ASUS / or be it any brand whenever they release their model to market it will be fine but once it starts receiving updates device will become unstable and unreliable for many of us,
So this is something a user needs to decide and move on

Rising Star II


Updated. That means another month whe have to wait...Then We will get to know that December security patch We are going to get. & In February may be android 11 for all users but not stable they are excusing us said by stable but we know stable is just a dream nothing else.. LoL Asus . You can naver be honest & good reputed company .

From 1st January I will be parmanent user of Samsung. Good Bye Assu in advance. I am very very upset with your service.

Was living with so many bugs in android 10 hoping that they would provide us android 11 by end of decenber. They fooled us. I am crying .

I will go with samsung. I loved Asus. I had bought Asus Max Pro M1, M2 & then Asus 6z. I thought of buying Asus 7z but they made me hopeless.

Thanks ASUS😭🤣😭

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Nobody will cry for you.

Zen Master I
I think you are going to cry more in samsung forums..wait do they have one😂 clearly as asus zentalk you can't find a place like this to cry congrats👍

Star III
I really don't know what bugs are you guys facing in A10 ? It's absolutely stable and performs quite well for a phone costing less than 500 usd. Constructive criticism helps and not pointlessly whining. Not sure why you are so impatient.

Good luck with Samsung updates , btw. 😂