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Android 10 update restart problem

Star III
Dear All,

Just received an update for Zenfone 6 ZS630KL through FOTA and unfortunately I have updated it. After update phone restarted a few minutes without success to open.
After a lot trial, recovery screen opened and I made a factory reset and lost all data. Anyhow after factory reset phone opened and set up all applications. But IF I switch off the phone, again and again I face off restart problem. IF I see recovery screen , phone can start after factory reset again.

Anyone can help and say what should I do. there is no Asus CENTER which supports this model in my country.

Software version : WW_17.1810.1910.73

Star III

Hi guys, apologies for the long response time on this case. The software team just confirmed with me that this issue will be resolved with the next upcoming firmware update. Thank you for your patience!

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Hi @LP_ASUS , I received new fota update but it is not stating any restart or language problem is fixed . Can you confirm that they have fixed it in this version. Please see attachment

Rising Star I
I see that they fixed the restarting problem when you change system language to turkish.

Star III
I do confirm that new update has no Tr language problem. Thanks for support