Star III


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Hi,my Zenfone 8  stop working  after  2 months of warranty  . I got a black screen  only and only a line when I do reset  Vol Down and pushed Off, but nothing happen.Also holding the off for 10s /15s does not made any change. I have used Zenfone 5,6,...
Dear All, While downloading the software, mistakenly i clicked the unlock software and run it. Unfortunately i lost all my data and i knew that i can not tecover. Now phone gives an error at boot that phone is not safe. İ didn't make any changes on t...
Dear All,Just received an update for Zenfone 6 ZS630KL through FOTA and unfortunately I have updated it. After update phone restarted a few minutes without success to open. After a lot trial, recovery screen opened and I made a factory reset and ...