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Adaptive Brightness is very faulty

Star III
The adaptive brightness is super faulty. Screen always gets darkened even in a brightly lit room. Phone expects the light to reflect on it all the time to stay in optimum brightness, otherwise it gets dark pretty quick. I'm not using any screen protector either. This is actually very annoying and a major blocker when watching any video content or even any simple task on the phone. Please fix it pretty quick. This is a very basic thing. Thanks!

Star III
Hi, I'm having this type of problem from day one, I think the phone is designed as is. You can find online many threads highlighting this problem. I remember even someone in youtube's reviews saying this behavior. The level of light change with too big steps, it's not a fuid change.
For me AIDA64 give only 0 7 15 23 31 47 55 63 71 79 87 inside a room with artificial light. During one second the value can change from 0 to 7 or 15 or every combination of those 3 numbers like 20 times. The odd thing is that the 0 value appears also when in the room there is the light on, only by pointing in a direction different from the position of the light.
In this forum, from the answers we get, seems like moderators are the few people with zenfone working in the correct ways, or the problems people have are not important or the problem is not a problem, because for the moderator itself the phone is ok with that problem and they are happy with it.
I know you guys are doing your jobs but don't treat us like stupid people.

Rising Star I
Actually ZF6 indicates a change of 4 to 5 lux.
@_jis_ thanks for the input! This tells me that the problem is specific to my device where the value changes directly from 0 to 7. I'm not sure how to fix it, one thing I can do is to hard reset my phone because I've never had to do that before (something I like about this device).
It could be useful to get a confirmation from another person before I try a hard reset. Or to know if different models of the ZF6 use different sensor suppliers.
For me AIDA64 give only 0 7 15 23 31 47 55 63 71 79 87 inside a room with artificial light. During one second the value can change from 0 to 7 or 15 or every combination of those 3 numbers like 20 times. The odd thing is that the 0 value appears also when in the room there is the light on, only by pointing in a direction different from the position of the light.
@ghiani.riccardo what you described is exactly the same on my side! Let's try to maintain a productive conversation though, I'm sure the mods are doing their best to help us. I'm trying to focus on finding the root cause because this issue could have a very simple fix, but let's try to find the underlying issue first.

Rising Star I
Ok so I tried to capture the difference in light measurements between my old OnePlus 3 and the ZenFone6 in the same conditions (same room and lighting).
Here's the OP3:
And here's the ZF6 (note the direct jump from 0 to 7 and 14):
Hope these videos can help explain the issue that I have with my device.

Zen Master III
And here's the ZF6 (note the direct jump from 0 to 7 and 14)
The behavior of your sensor is clearly different from the behavior of my sensor. The question is why. Perhaps is used a different component?

Rising Star I
@Anders_ASUS any idea if this is something that can be fixed by a hard-reset or is it something that the dev team can look at? Does the ZF6 use different brightness sensors in different markets/regions?