
The network goes from 4g to 2g ('E') as soon play mobile in landscape mode while playing YouTube or playing any game. This problem has been happening for the last few months.
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Can you please screen record and share here for better understanding?? Issue seems to be weird. Does this issue happens only in some areas or everywhere all the time??
Does this same condition happens with safe mode as well?? Can you check there please??
To entre safe mode press & hold lock button > tap and hold for few seconds on switch off option >system. Will ask to entre safe mode > select Ok.
To exit safe mode just restart.
Also can you try reinsertion of your sim card and try to check again??
Also please try to search networks manually and see if see same problem after selection of network manually ??
Do you also see same kind of behaviour when phone is set on 2G/3G preffered network mode in mobile network settings??