09:26 AM
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01:08 AM
04-19-2020 10:13 PM
adityapruthi2001Power button ends call is turned off already.Bro.... Turn off the "power button ends call"
Also, if its not a hassle can you provide me with a short video of this while in a dark room. I would be surprised to know its not happening in yours. Because I have got 2 other friends if mine with the same existing problem. Will make them post tomorrow in the same thread if readily agreed.
Pls? Help?
Regards (pls provide just a video... Really appreciate it).
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04-20-2020 12:03 AM
Chintan DevganiyaThen pls take the pain of providing me with a short video of the same..... Because I have done factory reset as well as OS downgrade and then upgrade. It is not there in pie. Only in Android 10.https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/73041#Comment_73041
Power button ends call is turned off already.
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04-20-2020 12:24 AM
adityapruthi2001Omfgggg!!! This is an issue?!! I thought it was just happening with mee! Shitt mann! Everytime I am experiencing this issue!! Wtf asus!!..... Battery draining too!Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
- Model Name: ZENFONE 5Z
- Firmware Version: WW-
- Rooted or not: NOT ROOTED
- Frequency of Occurrence: 9/10 TIMES
- APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): SYSTEM UI
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
This issue is happening since the first android 10 roll out.i assumed it would get solved but no luck! I have mentioned this issue in my previous post but due to the removal of old zentalk app I no longer have access to those posts.
I'M experiencing this Strange type of issue Actually the problem is when i am on a call and talking with my earphones plugged in ,and when I lock my device (by double tapping, there is a strange screen lightup during that time. As if the screen has some partial brightness.it annoys and i think since the zenfone 5Z doesn't has a oled display it will be very much battery consuming.
Look at the screen shots attached.
This image is when I'm on a call.
This image is when the call has been disconnected (normally locked,completely blacked out.)
Ps. I have aley tried the following :
Cleared cache.
Removing earphones (talking on speaker).
Tried in safe mode.
Reset my settings.
Factory reset.
Downgrade to pie and then upgrade to android 10 (problem is/was not there in pie)
Can someone from the members or the moderators confirm and reply the same. It is a serious bug which needs to be rectified.
Pls asus look into this issue. 🙏🏻🤞🏻
04-20-2020 12:25 AM
05-11-2020 08:08 AM