04-07-2020 01:40 AM
04-21-2020 01:02 AM
AbhinavCheck this link videos u ll get n idea what stutters n jitters we mean every 5z has it but zenfone 5 doesnt n since A8 mods are looking into matter but still in A10 issues exists without ny solution very dissapointing from ASUS we cant get flagship output from our flagship 😔https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/73413#Comment_73413
Sir I have read many post regarding this panel stutter.
The problem is I cannot feel that Screen Stutter. How to know that if the Phone's screen also stutters?
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04-21-2020 01:05 AM
amitgarde3It's not that. GPU frequency is same in custom ROM and stock (maybe little different) but any app can't read the frequency of GPU in stock as non rooted /stock Android doesn't allow the app to read frequency. So that's why it shows Lowest frequencies while GPU is running Normally as it should be. If you want to truly check the GPU load try installing a custom ROM or just root youe phone.https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/73353#Comment_73353
Already shared screenshot of Gpu frequency of rooted custom rom user it is 530 n thats the diffrence
why stock lower frequency = less power
Custom higher frequency=higher power?
If device is same and also having a flasghip CPU N GPU to combine with why it is not optimised?
If custom rom can so good be optimised then why not stock ?? Atlast its a flagship 2018 isnt it?
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04-21-2020 01:10 AM
Chintan DevganiyaIf that is the case then why we experince lags,stutters,jitters n multi touch issues sometimes? While some custom rom users reported no issues for them while gaming n why zenfone 5 dont have issues but 5z has it even though it is falgship check videos from below post u ll get an ideahttps://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/73379#Comment_73379
It's not that. GPU frequency is same in custom ROM and stock (maybe little different) but any app can't read the frequency of GPU in stock as non rooted /stock Android doesn't allow the app to read frequency. So that's why it shows Lowest frequencies while GPU is running Normally as it should be. If you want to truly check the GPU load try installing a custom ROM or just root youe phone.
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04-21-2020 02:50 AM
amitgarde3Now I got it. What is multiple touch jitter.https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/73522#Comment_73522
Check this link videos u ll get n idea what stutters n jitters we mean every 5z has it but zenfone 5 doesnt n since A8 mods are looking into matter but still in A10 issues exists without ny solution very dissapointing from ASUS we cant get flagship output from our flagship 😔
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04-21-2020 03:09 AM
AbhinavBut ur K/D is like pro player although u dont play pubg alot as u say like a noob 😜🤭 its hard for any pro player to reach ur K/D😊https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/73607#Comment_73607
Now I got it. What is multiple touch jitter.
I never noticed this as an Issue. 😅
As I play like noob. 😅
I never noticed this as an issue. I mean I never fealt or noticed this.
Insted i thought this as how pubgm is supposed to work. Btw this jitter issue has bugged me various times. But I got used to it.
"But I wish this issue gets solved".
I don't know the difference between jitter and non jitter gameplay. So never bugged me that hard.
Can you name some more issues related to gaming on 5z? Let's see if i ever had noticed any. 😅😁
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