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Headphone com som quebrado

Star I
Model: ZE620KL
Firmware/APP Version: Versão 3.1.2
Frequency of Occurrence: Sempre
Rooted: Yes
APP Name: EnglishLive

Quando utilizo o aplicativo, o som sai quebrado pelo fone de ouvido, não sendo possível ser reconhecido. Acioneo suporte da EnglishLive, porém, me informaram que o problema está no reprodutor de áudio do android 9 da Asus, e que seria necessário fazer um downgrade para funcionar. Teria alguma outra solução?

Star I
*** Text in English *** When I use the application, the sound is broken by the headset and cannot be recognized. I got support from EnglishLive, however, they informed me that the problem is in the Asus android 9 audio player, and that it would need to be downgraded to work. Would you have any other solution?

Zen Master I
darley.c.s posted on 2019/8/6 02:39 *** Text in English *** When I use the application, the sound is broken by the headset and cannot b ...
Hi darley.c.s , Could you check if the problem appears in the latest firmware version: WW- If yes, please tell us do you mean when you speak to through the microphone on the headset it cannot be recognized? Or do you mean the sound coming out from the headset cannot be recognized? Thank you 🙂