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ZenFone 5 Series
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Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: firmware ww.16.0615.1907.105Frequency of Occurrence: every day every timeRooted: NoAPP Name: (Wi-Fi)Dear Asus The signal connection (Wi-Fi) of the phone is disconnected every day and every time. After a few ...

face unlock become delay after update

After update face unlock and finger print delay, I have followed the steps clear existing face unlcok and finger print,, but still the same,, hopefully asus can fix the problem in the next update ASAP

The camera failed when using the headset and freeze

Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: 16.0615.1907.102 / of Occurrence: 51%-80% problems often occurRooted: NoAPP Name: Camera Last edited by dng_fad306 on 2019/8/9 14:21 Dear friends of Asus Zenfone 5 2018 Why yes a...

Câmera não grava vídeos

Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: Android 9 PieFrequency of Occurrence: 1.8 GHZRooted: NoAPP Name: CâmeraMeu zenfone 5, após a atualização para Android 9 Pie, não grava vídeo quando conectado fones de ouvido. Como fazer para retificar esse ...

Apps keep crashing after PIE Update it's pure garbage?!

Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: N/AFrequency of Occurrence: AlwaysRooted: YesAPP Name: I'm very let down the lack of communication and respect for your customers is down right sinister!!y Zenfone 5Q I just updated to the all powerful golde...

Launcher Becomes Unresponsive

Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: ww 1907 105Frequency of Occurrence: 1Rooted: NoAPP Name: Asus LauncherAsus Launcher becomes Unresponsive when you set a wallpaper in raw file. I did go back to jpeg format and everything runs smooth.

Tian by Star III
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Almost no improvement?

Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: LatestFrequency of Occurrence: AlwaysRooted: NoAPP Name: CameraHi, i switched from zenfone go (z00vd) to zenfone 5 (ze620kl) with hope that it will take better low light photos. I have been using zenfone 5 f...

Battery drops quickly

Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: WW_16_0615_1907_105Frequency of Occurrence: EverytimeRooted: NoAPP Name: Screenshot: just updated the system after my...


Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: 16.0615.1907.105Frequency of Occurrence: Pertama kali update ke android pie.Rooted: NoAPP Name: Fingerprint sensor gak bekerja, dan dipengaturan juga gak ada fingerprint nya. Untuk sensor gyroscope tidak ter...