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Auto rotation not working, sensors missed

Star I
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: 5z
Firmware Version:
Rooted or not: no
Frequency of Occurrence:
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
Auto rotation does not work, gyroscope and accelerometer are missed in sensors list in android application, or in adb cmd, sensors dont work in any app/game.
Looks, like broken after update to last version, reboot didnt help.
After first reboot in safe mode, it worked few seconds, but then fully dont work everywhere.

Star I

8mos-> 8 months

N ya including me many users facing auto-rotation issue, i have shared bugs report to the mods too but no conclusion till now, n after latest march update Double tap to wake up isn't working,battery optimization ruined.

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Do your sensors (gyroscope and accelerometer) work in games/apps?

Rising Star II
There are no solutions to the problems for a long time. then close the zenfone 5z forum. Why do we keep posting a problem here!

Rising Star II

Do your sensors (gyroscope and accelerometer) work in games/apps?

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Yup it works in games, but while watching videos n photos on gallery or during web browsing, auto-rotation doesn't work,it works after lockscreen on n off, double tap to wake up isn't working at all, it works after toggling on n off the double tap switch every time, but after few hours it doesn't work.

Community Legend II

Yup it works in games, but while watching videos n photos on gallery or during web browsing, auto-rotation doesn't work,it works after lockscreen on n off, double tap to wake up isn't working at all, it works after toggling on n off the double tap switch every time, but after few hours it doesn't work.

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Agree with these issues i think auto rotate bugs only when device is kept in landscape mode for long time u can say while watching movies or web series via browsers or even sometimes in thirdparty apps. This is what i have observed.
Double tap is random bug which keeps coming back agin and again after several days. And where the only solution to get rid of it is as you described.
These are serious issues for day to day usage i have raised it reported logs and videos many times but developers hereafter are not intrested to work on older flagship to what they are informed from top decision making authorities.
So keep your fingers crossed! we will be lucky if we get bug fix from here. I request you please Dont be hopeful.

Rising Star II

Agree with these issues i think auto rotate bugs only when device is kept in landscape mode for long time u can say while watching movies or web series via browsers or even sometimes in thirdparty apps. This is what i have observed.

Double tap is random bug which keeps coming back agin and again after several days. And where the only solution to get rid of it is as you described.

These are serious issues for day to day usage i have raised it reported logs and videos many times but developers hereafter are not intrested to work on older flagship to what they are informed from top decision making authorities.

So keep your fingers crossed! we will be lucky if we get bug fix from here. I request you please Dont be hopeful.


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Atleast one bug fix we really need just to keep this flagship neat n clean for the last time.