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Zenfone 4 max sering mati sendiri dan lama menyala

Star I
Hp ini jadi sangat sering mati sendiri saat sedang digunakan dan untuk menekan tombol powernya pun sangat lama untuk nyala kembali , tolong adakah solusi yg bisa saya dapat ? Dan saya sangat mengharapkan update terbaru untuk ponsel saya ini karena sudah hampir 2 tahun saya tidak menerima update apapun . Mohon bantuannya agar diberi jalan keluar karena saya sangan membutuhkan bantuan ahli . Terimakasih

Star I
Benar, saya juga mengalami hal yang sama, berkali2 reset

Community Legend II
Hi friends
Thank you for your asking. Kindly try some stay-at-home troubleshooting tips below:
1. Please try to enter "Safe Mode". If the function works well in Safe Mode yet the issue remains out of Safe Mode, please check on any disturbance from the installed 3rd party apps.
# How to enter and exit "Safe Mode"
2. Also, please try "the Factory Reset" 
Settings>System>Reset options>Erase all data(factory reset)
Please note that once the Factory Reset is completed, all data, apps, settings and personal information will be deleted.
3. If the situation remains the same after performing the Factory Reset, what you described indicates high possibility of slightly faulty hardware, any firmware update/flashing may trigger the symptom. Please turn on auto-backup or backup your data from time to time. If the device does not encounter the auto shutdown frequently, you may keep your normal usage. If the device starts to encounter the auto shutdown frequently, e,g. from once two week to once two days, please bring your device to the nearest repair center for further device checking.
If it is impossible to access the service center during Covid-19 period, please try Call us: