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ZenFone 4 Series
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Forum Posts

[Solved][Zenfone 4 Max ZC554KL] Camera not working/dark

Hi, referring to topic with not working camera after update android, here is problem solving (works for me after 2 days of fighting)Open up the back of the phoneUnplug batteryUnplug both Camera from slotPlug batteryBoot phoneTurn on phone and start t...

xboyzer by Star I
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Audiowizard in ZENFONE 4 PRO Quit working:((Want to uninstall & reinstall app but cannot find ZENFONE 4 PRO Audiowizard DTS HEADPHONE :X in Google Play store to reinstall App.Can You please help me?

ZenFone 4 Max (ZC554KL) VO LTE Settings

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: ZenFone 4 Max (ZC554KL)Firmware Version:Rooted or not: NOTFrequency of Occurrence: ALWAYSAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Outlook and SMS==============...

hayyam by Star I
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ZenFone 4 Max (ZC554KL) Badge Problem

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: ZenFone 4 Max (ZC554KL) Firmware Version:Rooted or not: NOTFrequency of Occurrence: ALWAYSAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Outlook and SMS============...

hayyam by Star I
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Zenfone 4 max sering mati sendiri dan lama menyala

Hp ini jadi sangat sering mati sendiri saat sedang digunakan dan untuk menekan tombol powernya pun sangat lama untuk nyala kembali , tolong adakah solusi yg bisa saya dapat ? Dan saya sangat mengharapkan update terbaru untuk ponsel saya ini karena su...

My Asus 4 Selfie Dual Corrupt

I am using Asus 4 slwfie past 3 yrs now it's device is corrupt than update never came ur side what can I do you.Some time device touch not working and slow I hate Asus Brand all product I told to my friend for don't buy Asus product nevery buy

Black out

My phone always kill him self. Tur off by him self .I dont know why? Make have to tur on back over and over....


Why my hp automatically off..battery 70%.?

Boyy__ by Star I
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