10-07-2024 07:29 AM
I have the Zenfone 11 Ultra, have had it since July and only until the last month have I started having a very peculiar problem, about half the time I try to call someone, my phone drops all service for ten seconds and reconnects the the network. I have T-mobile, and I hope that's not the problem.
But does anyone know if it's a Zenfone problem, a 5G problem, or a T-mobile problem?
10-16-2024 11:45 PM
For me what I'have noticed is, internet data turns on & off again and again. Performed mutiple network resets still happens again.
Dont know whether it is due to poor network coverage in my area or not. Will check at my friends place for one or two days and update later. If situation persists will ask for replacement.