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Slow connectivity Zenfone 10

Star II


Since the last update(s) I still experience a lot of problems with my connectivity, especially with my bluetooth. When I open my bluetooth settings it takes a while before it opens (see the attached video). Also a bluetooth connection is slow with for example a car radio and it is shocking for approximately 1 minute.

I experience also problems with the WiFi and the VPN (for watching Dutch television in another country). Sometimes the WiFi gives not a good or even completely no connection. The VPN said it is also connected but I can not watch the television on the phone.

Another issue is the video with the original camera. It freezes sometimes.

Could you please help me with this issues?







Thanks for the answering, but I think this is too simple. I send my Log files and maybe it is better to look to that. 

Upper suggestions are not working.


Hey @rbeijers,

I did submit the log, however, the R&D couldn't find any issues with the connectivity. Would it be possible for you to share another video recording of the issue?

Thanks for answering. I reset al the connectivity settings. It has still some connection problems, like slow bluetooth and the phone calls are not that good. I have to search the good moment to make a screen capture again. I will let you know. 


Since the last update I found also out that when the keyboard is visible i can click on icons. When I click away the keyboard then it is possible...