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Proximity sensor

Star I

This is quite possibly one of the worst phones I've ever owned. In the 2 months I've had it I've randomly rung maybe 20 different contacts whilst on a call. Any slight movement when in a call and the screen lights up and a touch from my  ear puts the current caller on hold and randomly rings someone in my recent call list or someone in my contacts. Also have a problem when in Google maps where the bottom of the screen won't function. Any one else experienced any similar problems 


Star II

Yes. I wrote about my problems here and I've sent logs from my problems to Asus. I didn't get any answer yet.

Now I'm looking for a new phone, as I need one before I'll send back my ZenFone.

It's very annoing, as it is my only problem with it and it is best compact phone. Until it unlocks and does stupid things...