03-14-2024 05:33 AM
Hi all,
I noticed that this question has been asked of the Zenfone 9, but I couldn't find a thread for the Zenfone 10.
Has the ability to change the icon shapes from circles to rounded squares been reinstated for the Zenfone 10? It used to be available on the Zenfone 8 under Settings > Display > Style > Shape according to this YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkUBDm1DnlE.
I would like to be able to do this on the Zenfone 10 without having to install a third party app or a launcher. I don't want to drain my battery by using an external app for this.
I've been weighing up between buying a Zenfone 10 or a Samsung device, and the circle icons are a deal breaker for me. I've been very attracted to the idea of getting a Zenfone10 though as it has a headphone jack, so I'm hoping this is icon change is possible so that I can buy the Zenfone 10.
Thank you.
03-14-2024 01:14 PM
Unfortunately You van not thanks to Android 14 and Asus as well