05-13-2022 05:07 AM
05-17-2022 06:56 AM
patrykmonkeyHave you tried using the MyASUS app? It allows you to get the original BIOS from the asus website and use it.The PD utility which asus provide for UX325EA/UX425EA CCG5FWUpdate.exe comes with a few options. I'm not sure if it actually did try to update the PD FW on my UX325JA since all that happens is that the laptop shuts down immediately when I run the install script (CCG5FWUpdate.exe /W_FW cfg_2.bin) . No output, laptop just shuts down. The only option that provide some output is /R_VER and I see PD_FW_Ver: 51 , is that the correct PD FW for UX325JA ? There's also an option to read the current PD FW binary, but it returns nothing for me. If someone with a working UX325JA can execute these commands, and recover the original FW binary please post here. Asus support is not able to help, even though it was their support site that provided this faulty software.
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05-17-2022 07:26 AM
06-16-2022 11:31 AM