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asus tru2life and splendid

Star I
2 days ago i bought asus zenbook 15 ux533fd without pre-installed windows, install windows 10 pro and i can't find tru2life video and splendid, i downloaded MyAsus app and in hardware settings is only charging mode . On product page features is written that this technologies are exclusive for this product - "It also features exclusive ASUS technologies — including ASUS Splendid and ASUS Tru2Life Video"
why i can't get this feature? on product page is not written that we must buy this notebook with windows if we want to get this feature.

Community Legend II
Hello msikmashvili,
Well... they are designed to fit in OEM OS, instead of open platform ones (like the one you bought yourself)
so these feature are combined in our Factory OS only.
Thank you.

Star I

Hello msikmashvili,

Well... they are designed to fit in OEM OS, instead of open platform ones (like the one you bought yourself)

so these feature are combined in our Factory OS only.

Thank you.

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thank you for replaying, as i understand this programs you can download from microsoft store and working when you have icc profile from asus, my display model is BOE07D8. how i can get this icc profile? it is just the same for all asus ux533fd whith display BOE07D8.

Community Legend II
Hello msikmashvili,
Please kindly send your device to our official service center.
Thank you.

Star I

It's probably because your display is not compatible for Tru2Life or your specs are not compatible for (Again) Tru2Life