02-05-2020 06:12 AM
02-11-2020 11:02 PM
02-11-2020 11:19 PM
VolodesiAND NOT EVEN ONCE YOU HAVE ENCOUNTERED GOOGLE PLAY SERVICES PROBLEM ?I normally have mine plugged in all day with Battery Care keeping it at 80% charge.
But looking back at the history from when it was unplugged. I played a game for 4 hours and had the screen on for almost 7 hours. It only used like 20-30% of my battery.
I keep the screen around 20-40% brightness and 60Hz mode. I use a glitch in the Armory Crate to make my games run at double frame rate. I also don't use the X-Mode. I keep it as System Default. Since I hit the 60-120 FPS cap in the games I play without it.
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02-11-2020 11:47 PM
02-12-2020 01:50 AM
waxy78611Android Q and latest security update is right around the corner. Please hold on a little longer. I know you've been waiting but it got delayed because of bugs that needed to be fixed and then we had Chinese New Year and then there's the Corona virus which affects us too even though most devs sit in Taiwan. I fully understand that you wanted it yesterday but we're not going to release something with a lot of bugs that we're aware of. We need to postpone until they are fixed. Everything else would just be irresponsible as a manufacturer. Don't you agree?Tbh I'm having AMAZING battery life, I'm just concerned about the outdated security patch. I've had my ROG 2 since last year October
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02-12-2020 02:26 AM