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Repeated notification regarding SIM2 roaming

Star II
Hi, I've been using ROG II for 2 months & it's really good. For the first time I encountered a bug/problem & I've shared the screenshot.
I've noticed repeated notification from 'Asus telephony', it's a warning regarding SIM2 Usage during ROAMING. It appears like 2-3 times a day & I've tried to opt for 'don't show me again' also. But this message still shows.
Hope a resolution will be included in next update.


Hall of Fame III
Do you live near a border or maybe that you have a different region selected in your phone than the one you're actually in?

Star II
Got a solution, sorry for the post actually.
There is an option to get notifications during roaming, that was turned on and I didn't care to read properly. Now I've unchecked the box & that annoying notification doesn't appear.
I was using Samsung Galaxy Note8 previously, so there wasn't anything like this, so got confused.
? On the record, no glitche since day one. Good going Asus ROG II ?

Hall of Fame III
aaaha, I didn't understand that you were roaming at some point. Though you got this message even when you hadn't been roaming and that this was the issue.
Good thing you solved it yourself 😉