05-10-2021 02:12 AM
05-15-2021 12:22 AM
ronald1985I'll try to go back to the service centre when its open, its ramadan holiday right now so its closed. Also we only have 1 service centre here that can handle ROG products so it usually take a few days for them just to inspect the phone. Im from Indonesia, but the phone is from Taiwan.https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/166953#Comment_166953
Your best bet is to take a video using another phone to show the problem. By saying there's no problem and not doing anything, the problem doesn't go away by itself. If it was a software issue, I would have problems too.
If you have problems after, ensure you get a number. If you don't or do and still not going anywhere, report back here.
By the way, which country are you from?
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