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ROG 2 USERS drop your whatsapp no we'll make a group Please read

Star III

Model Name:Rog2
It seems like all ROG 2 users will face the same auto shutdown issues when phone reach 41°c ...sooner or later this will happen to all ROG2 users before it is too late come on lets join our hands and talk about this shit in the group I've made I'll add all of you..
This autoshutdown happens even after latest FOTA update ....ASUS team even remove my 1 st post regarding this issue
#please³ support cuz I hate this kind of shit I cannot even play games also

Rising Star I
Bro I'm ready, really facing this issue for a long time, felt like I made a mistake by purchasing this phone, iphone xr and one plus 7t were a better option that time:(

Community Legend III
If you have this issue, please contact your local service center. Don't solicit phone numbers from users on the forum.
// Thread closed.