10-12-2020 03:30 AM
10-12-2020 08:05 PM
10-12-2020 08:53 PM
Dkz89Could be a hardware issue but doesn't explain why my service center guy are refusing to fix my phone? They always mention no hardware defect and in troubleshooting they write factory reset and give me my device at A9 everytime. At A9 my problem doesnt happen but at A10 my device rebooting. Its likely a software issue or my service center guys are super lazy. Either of them are disgusting and asus should be ashamed.Let me elaborated more regarding the issue I give some example.
In lg v30 device there few model as well ex h933 canadian h930 US and few other similar to rog 2 we have I003D or DE or whatsoever. So when I make a custom kernel for it using stock_defconfig from lg v30 canadian source it will boot for US source but random reboot occure from time to time.
Is similar to this situation. Our Rog2 have tons of random reboot for some devices but not all is like 70-80% of the device most have problem.
But it can also be hardware defected for some device also example plug in charging and went black screen normally is hardware problem.
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10-13-2020 06:28 AM
10-13-2020 06:52 AM
10-13-2020 07:12 AM
amansh1004Hm, that is weird. Please make sure to get your device fully fixed before your warranty runs out because mine did run out today.
See cpu temp.
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