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Please ASUS team help your customer regarding overheat of asus ROG 2 auto shutdown

Star III
ROG 2 users hass been suffering automatic shut down after phone reaches 40°c why...even a low budget phone can reach 40°c without shutdown why..shutdown in Flagship gaming Phone..I buY rog 2 with all money I had just to see this dossapointment..please ASUS team your customer need your help Many of us are suffering this same situation
========================================Come on ASUS ROG2 user lets join our hands and complain about this issue or else this ASUS will let us buy their worst product again and again


Zen Master I

It could be either one of these explanations

  1. You do have a hardware issue. A9 pushes the hardware differently but it should show even in A9 sooner or later
  2. You never had a hardware issue and a simple factory reset could maybe have fixed your issue
  3. You never had a hardware issue BUT a simple factory reset wouldn't have fixed your issue because there's something wrong in the kernel. This can can only be fixed by a totally fresh install by first downgrading to A9 and then upgrading to A10 again

You're very welcome to send me a PM with all the info you can provide such as your SN and IMEI number, RMA number, updated problem description and a log if you have. I can then forward this info and find out exactly why your case was refused a hardware fix.

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"a simple factory reset wouldn't have fixed your issue because there's something wrong in the kernel. This can can only be fixed by a totally fresh install by first downgrading to A9 and then upgrading to A10 again".
Factory reset don't restore to clean signed image without configs and user files?