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ROG Phone II
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Forum Posts

Delay in Fingerprint icon

After unlocking the locked app there is a delay in the Fingerprint icon vanishing from the notification panel.

Alguna ayuda para actualizar mi ASUS Rog PHONE 2

Hace un mes compré un Asus Rog PHONE 2 de una tienda en Aliexpress lo cual indicaba ser la versión global lo cual al llegar a mi país que es Paraguay me funciona todas la redes y las conexiones lo cual si me percate de que la versión de mi software e...

6E8XJUCVMD08.jpg GZ2GDJ18XAY1.jpg

Drop-down Notification bar accessible while screen locked

Hi, I found a facebook post that you can access the notif bar while phone is screen locked (meaning you can disconnect it from mobile data,use airplane mode and your phone will not be located when lost). I tried it and it is true.Is this intended? I ...

Renz by Star I
  • 5 replies
  • 3 kudos

Not charging primery port

When i charge my phone not geting charge i check cable dock all everything is fine but my charging port not charging when i switch off mobile then it's charging plz fix the problem new mobile i hope asus is best i purchase but now facing issu

Needed to update an feature

When I get a call while screen off it will display on full screen and doesn't goes back or opens notification panel. Can you please update that in which we can go back or open notification panel as I don't needed that call to attend so I just wanted ...


Has anyone gotten volte/vowifi to work on the second SIM slot? It appears many phones have this problem, including the ASUS max pro was wondering if it also applies to the ROG phone 2, as I am having t...

leafy by Star III
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  • 0 kudos


1. Could u pls add more fingerprint animations on next update.2. PLSS add DC DIMMING feature on next update . It's very helpfull3. PLSS add this kind of multicoloured RGB logo it makes the phone look very very very very Coooooooool.