Next update
When we expect next update from asus?? After android 10 No bug fixing update
When we expect next update from asus?? After android 10 No bug fixing update
Any way to clear cache partition? Seems like there's no option for that in A10
Since 3-4days my rog phone 2 is facing charging issue its not getting charge fastly not even at an average speed and when i charge while i use the phone the battery percentage is decreases and in normal condition when i put my phone idle for chargin...
Has Asus released any new update after stable android 10? If no, then when can we expect the next update?Also, i did a manual update so will I be getting all other future updates automatically? And can we delete that 2gb update file from root folder ...
When i enable data saver option while playing pubg mobile, don't know why pubg mobile app stop using internet connection it happening with me since i updated my rog2 to A9 to A10.Please someone tell me how can i fix it ?
YouTube shows max resolution to 480p for all videos while playing in ROG 2 ?Videos which are upto 4k, shows just 480p (check attachment)Rog 2 Screen resolution is 1080p, why youtube app don't support it ?
Hello guys, i have this problem on my Rog Phone 2, anyone can help me? Everytime i plugin bottom port charger, that notification always appear and my phone stop charging. Now i'm charge my phone from side port, its works well. But i dont like it at ...
Has anyone here encountered some frame drops on games? I was playing MOBA the other day and noticed some frame drops while playing. I wasn't even on a clash that time. Also, my phone died twice after copying some files thru OTG. It happened after the...
I had this problem today:I was under the sun like for 5 minutes, 14 degrees here, the phone got a little warm but nothing compare with while charging or heavy gaming and then it restarted and I got a excessive temperature on the USB port warning. I h...