Please, add Google Phone app support
Please, add Google Phone app support, like Zenfone 6!
Please, add Google Phone app support, like Zenfone 6!
As soon as I connect to the wi-fi at home, it chooses the 5 GHz band and after about 10-20 seconds it switches back to the 2.4 GHz band. I have looked in the advanced wi-fi settings and couldn't find a way to force the 5 GHz band. With an app which s...
Sharing my thoughts here...Upon the initial upgrade to Android 10, battery was slightly erratic, and Batt% dips intermittently but at times, it'll last longer.However, after a couple of days of self-calibration/adjustment, I'm consistently hitting hi...
Great newsUpdate for A10 bug fixes
When i see this: I think ASUS ROG can make that one "Fans service" for who playing PUBG Mobile with ROG Phone 2.I can suggest to make ROG Pack like:Horsem4n costumeROG Skin for M416 & AWM with full effect killParachuteSkin Vehicle I hope this sugges...
I have a notification to update my ROG 2 to 17.0230.2001.11. I recently sent my phone to ASUS for repair due to updating to 17.0230.2002.21 as it screwed up my ability to connect to WiFi and it also messed up synchronized lighting. Is 17.0230.2001.11...
Hey,I face an issue where the phone is constantly lagging and the phone restarts followed up with system UI not responding in a loop. This is very annoying, can you please fix this asap keeping in mind the COVID-19 situation all around
Hi everyone. I have Rog phonell 3 devices. I want unlock bootloader to root. But unfortunately i can't unlock bootloader. Unlock utility Says Devoce is unlocked, But in real device bootloader is Still locked. And nothing happened. Please help me w...
When i enable data saver option while playing pubg mobile, don't know why pubg mobile app stop using internet connection i am facing this issue when i updated my rog2 to A9 to A10.I Need solution.
I wanna share my Phone screen through USBC Micro port so I would use PC display setting in the dock and would be able to hold my phone in my hand. Is this possible in future updates or is hardware limited?