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Warzone mobile go overheat and drop fps since last 2 updates

Star II


I'm on Rog phone 8 Pro.

Since the last 2 updates of Warzone mobile the game ist not stable anymore. Temperature go up to 47 48. Fps is unstable and even drop to 45 at time. 

Is this the game or the phone? I just want to make sure if you guys have the same problem then it's the game's problem.


It's the game ,Poorly optimized for Android, all the android phones run hot playing that game

i dont think fps issue is solved. i get 70-90 fps only, on uncapped fps. doesn't the phone support 165?
it still heats a lot ,even with a cooler, and a hell **bleep**ty graphics.
even on high graphics, if it was min graphics option i wouldn't have complained.
fix heat! fix fps! give proper graphics! give option for min graphic so we can play outdoors without worrying about cooling.