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Star III

My phone is on the latest firmware .325

Its stuck rebooting everytime i have WiFi and Mobile Data on. Once these two are on the phone stays rebooting. Once i turn them off the phone boots normally. I can't use internet at all on the phone if i turn any of them on the phone crashing on goes in a bootloop and keeps on rebooting! I just got this phone and i was so excited about it no im really aggravated. I spent a $1000 from Asus official website and got the US version so i have no issues but i ended up with a phone that i cannot use. Please help with this issue its urgent.


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additional information.  When restarting from factory reset, I realized that updating the Google Play system update from it was July 1, 2023, to the most current was the issue.  Since keeping the system update at the 2023 version (on the ROG Phone 8 Pro) it has been functioning fine.

P.S.  I also did not use phone clone, nor restore from the cloud.  I simply logged into my relevant google accounts.

I am still concerned about the phone not functioning at a random point.  so, I am considering returning it, pending what happens this week with Asus updates.

I did start an official tech support call with them and sent this same information this morning.


This issue is being investigated by the teams, and they are working on a solution

Thanks for letting us know.

This is a pretty downer issue, all things considered. 

I have T mobile and my ROG 8 isn't boot looping it's just stuck on the boot up screen, it has been like this for a day and is completely unusable it will turn of and show charging icons, (not the animations), but when I hold all three buttons again it just returns to the ROG logo and stays there

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Any updates on the Google Play System update being an issue?  Perhaps an update overall on the situation?