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Air Trigger Issue in ROG 8 Pro

Rising Star II

Air trigger pressure are much higher and not stable at all even you set lowest on Pressure button setting from AC . Sometime it work and sometime doesn't. When you connect Aero Active cooler X the air trigger are less stable and required more pressure. ASUS should fix this for the all gamers who all love ROG Phone Series. Else they will never buy upcoming ROG series Phone in future.

I think The Pressure on air trigger should be fix with less Force on trigger with more stability. The Problem will be sort out easily.

I hope Asus ROG Phone Team will read my comment and will sort out in next update and reply to me.

Please Asus Fix this issue. Eveyone facing this issue who bought ROG 8 Pro.

In other feature the phone is very good .

231 REPLIES 231

Star III

There all defective I'm trying to figure out who to talk too the pressure button and the screen activate the buttons slightest counter force and they'll bug I found out today when I was testing call of duty which is what I bought this phone for so annoyed too 

Star II

dopo l'aggiornamento sembrava che tutto era risolto. Però  non è così, il trigger di destra lo tengo disattivato e si attiva da solo e mi compare la linea rossa , molto strano, il tasto sinistro si attiva da solo oppure rimane assivo anche quamdo lo schiaccio solo una volta. La cosa strana è che quando non gioco i tasti funzionano normalmente appena gioco si sballa tutto

Totally agree 👍🏻 

Star II

con la cover in confezione nemmeno posso giocare perchè attiva i trigger da solo, spero in una risposta a breve, mi sto innervosendo

Rising Star I

I'm starting to be convinced that they can't fix it, if it was software, they would fix it like the Rog 7 ... I'm selling the phone, 1500 euros thrown out of the window