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Rog 7 Destroyed By Latest Update WW-33.0820.0810.217

Zen Master I

ASUS have yet again ruined a good device. With their latest trash update; WW-33.0820.0810.217, the phone now heats up like an oven and the battery life drains much quicker. What's worse is that ASUS have pulled all other firmwares from their website, so you can't even downgrade back to and older software. "Android System" seems to absolutely destroy the battery life, as seen in the screenshot I've attached. The phone heats like crazy too and if course battery life is now sh**. 


ASUS will never learn, the phone was running fine before their updates. They fix 1 "problem" and cause multiple problems at the same time. Complete and utter joke.


@waxy78611 wrote:

I'm happy with the screen, no issues here. Speakers on this are phenomenal. Battery life is great. Don't care about wireless charging. I'm not a photographer so can live with the camera. Reception is better on this than on s23 ultra which I used to have. Haven't noticed any defects yet apart from the useless software updates. 

Saying all that, there are devices that are far better however, i like it for what it is.

Only goes to show how low the standard is. People are literally getting depressed when reading that Oneplus wants to use that panel on their OP11 midranger. Speakers are garbage, overboosted bass and lose volume based on content also relatively quiet, I could literally send you links that will make your speakers pop and almost kill themselves. Battery life is dogsht for 6000mah, you have less SoT than 5000mah phones. Connectivity is trash, I compared the connectivity of a Rog7 ultimate to a crappy Motorola and the Rog7 got dunked on badly, speedtests are consistenly worse, both without cover. 

It isnt a question what devices are better but which one are actually worse, in the pricerange you're hard pressed finding anything objectively worse than the Rog7, but the coping userbase allows ASUS with the low effort and low quality because they accept it and will keep acting as if they arent buying a mid range phone for flagship price, ASUS's business decision is on point, they know the userbase is easy to "scam".