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ROG Phone 7
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Forum Posts

[ROG Phone 7] Join the Android 15 Preview Program!

Hi ROG Phone 7 (AI2205) users, We will soon have the newest Android system on ROG Phone 7. ASUS hereby sincerely invite you to participate in this preview program to experience Android 15!   Q1: What is the Android Preview Program? Ans: Android Previ...

Titan_ASUS by Community Manager
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[Game Genie] APK new version for ROG Phone 7 only

If you have issue of Game Genie inactivity and crash, please download and install the new version of Game Genie from link below to fix this issue. Please note the apk is for Android 13 & 14 on ROG Phone 7 only, and please check the Android version fi...

Titan_ASUS by Community Manager
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Asus Rog phone 7 ultimate

I am using latest Android 14 and there new update in my asus rog phone 7 ultimate but power button is less responsive.when i click power button screen is taking time to turn off plz solve this my Version:34.1010.0820.60

How to downgrade android 14 to 13 Asus ?

recently i updated my asus phone to android 14. but facing frame drop problem in game . then i downgraded my phone using droidfix lab app to previous version. can i get android 14 update in future stable version please any one have answer this .

Resolved! About power buttom (Rog 7 Ultimate Android 14)

Hello! I'll ask you to see if anyone noticed the same thing as me (or is it my imagination). I think there is an issue with the power buttom, I notice that it takes twice as long as normal, that is, when I press the button to turn off the screen ther...


after updating to android 14 the fps while recording not stable, as you can see in the video im playing on 90fps then recording with 90/60fps and 720p resolutions the fps going down around 45-60fps when i play real match, pls fix this

xtcy by Star II
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Any information?

Can you tell us or is there any information when our phones will work normally again so that we can play on them without fps dropping? @Mattias_ASUS 

JimiK by Rising Star II
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ROG Phone 7 Ultimate FPS Drops after Android 14

Hello,I play PUBG Mobile(with 90fps) and COD Mobile(120fps) regularly, in multiplayer matches face to face with real opponents it's impossible because the cell phone stays frozen for a second and the FPS display drops to 30 fps in some moments to 15 ...

m1aroo by Star I
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