08-05-2022 11:25 PM
08-06-2022 03:44 AM
08-14-2022 10:06 AM
severins79Just for information, it does this to me with the fortnite mobile game, I tried changing the recording settings and the quality of the game but it didn't help, also the game crashes while recording and then the recording stops.
And when I want to upload a 30-second clip from the game, this happens 😞 when I want to watch the clip
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08-24-2022 05:45 AM
08-24-2022 08:22 AM
Mansi_ASUSIt happens to me with fortnite because it's the only game they play that made me buy Rog6 🙂 , but I also tried filming lol wild rift and the problem didn't happen there. It happens because the game is demanding and the system crashes at that moment. The game starts to crash for a while and then runs smoothly again, but at that moment I already know that the recording has crashed. (with the previous phone, it recorded without problems, it was just that the phone heated up more, it was an OP 8pro)Hey Severins79, does this happen to you while playing Fortnite or is that the case with every other game or app?
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