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My Phone reach 38°C while playing really fast

Star III

My phone reach 38°c really fast while playing and the Battery It doesn't last long. I left the house at 8:30 with 94% and now it's 15:53 ​​and it's already at 64% and I've barely used it... Do you think there might be a defect?


Not applicable

Which firmware u are use?

Latest firmware has a new vga driver with more power and more heat.

Aero activ cooler is now needed in full power mode

I still don't know where I can see the version but I updated everything I had to update... do you think the cooler is 100% necessary for daily use? What has me most worried about is batter consumption

Not applicable

More vga power is more battery power is more heat

Check your app battery usage

When all is fine the gameapp use more battery now as befor

2nd is too check cpu usage in idle (Aida / CPU Z app etc)

When cpu is going up and down in idel is a factory reset the solution

System Update app show the build number /  Firmware version

See Screenshot for example

Take a look