06-20-2022 03:43 AM
06-22-2022 05:56 AM
06-22-2022 06:23 AM
06-22-2022 06:42 AM
crisisxcoreYes, I am aware of that, sorry if I was unclear.I dont understand what you mean by "While turning on the VoLTE switch would technically work". It does NOT work. The network drops to 3G as soon as voice call connects and the other party is complaining with call quality.
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06-22-2022 02:46 PM
06-23-2022 12:28 AM
crisisxcoreTelstra VoLTE & VoWiFi still work good on my ROG 5 (not 5S), though I'm still on A11.Thanks for the comment.. I just want to check with other Telstra user with ROG5S because someone in Zentalk said VoLTE is working with Telstra - Thank you ASUS for implementing VoLTE & VoWiFi for Telstra, Australia in Nov 2021 Firmware Update — ...
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