04-10-2023 04:22 PM
Please help me to know if there is a way to fix the WIFI/Hotspot issue in the ASUS ROG PHONE 5S, Im using only my sim card data to use all the phone services available, however what I noticed so far is that there is not any kind of solution, only change the mother board and will fail again.
Please acknowledge here if was found a way to fix it by software or some kind of procedure otherwise let me know to see whether I should think to replace the broken phone or finally buy a new one (different brand for sure), I dont want to waste again almost 800 USD in a phone that in less than 1 year is showing this kind of "errors" and software design mistakes
04-10-2023 06:50 PM
Hi @felipaos21
May I ask have you try any troubleshooting steps?
If not, you can try the troubleshooting steps in the below link first.
Also, I have PM you for confirming issue details.
Could you please check the PM inbox at the top right corner of the screen and kindly provide the requested information?
Thank you.
08-21-2023 02:42 AM