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Air Triggers Not working

Star I
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name:
Firmware Version:
Rooted or not:
Frequency of Occurrence:
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.


Star I
Air Triggers stopped working suddenly. Few time back, Got an update from Asus and they started working fine but today they stopped working again. When restarting the device, they start working now but after 15-20 minutes again they stop working. What do I do to fix it.

Star I
Hey my airtrigger isn't working at all.
Rog phone 5
Version updated (18.0810.2101.95)
Not rooted
My air trigger didn't work at all, i've restart and turned off my phonw, delete cache, clear storage armory crate, air trigger still not working.

Community Legend II
Hi anisngh01,
Just to confirm you are on the latest software version, which is:
[221108] ROG Phone 5/5s _WW/EU/RU_31.0810.1226.139 (Android 12
You can try factory reset your phone and confirm back.

Star III

Why is my air trigger not working?
Air triggers not working: The phone's air triggers are another piece of hardware that seems to stop working when the motherboard fails. SIM card isn't recognized: Some users suddenly lose mobile network connectivity, and the phone doesn't recognize the SIM card anymore.

