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ROG Phone 3
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Forum Posts

Rog phone 3 battery Draining Issue

I was using rog phone 3 from 2020 now I got problem. First it was like showing system ui and Android system not supported or working. And phone hangs. It was for a month and after that my battery is draining fastly and charging took about more than 3...

Asus Mobile Desktop Dock - Docking Port Issue

Since years I have been using Asus Mobile Desktop Dock for ROG Phone 1, ROG ii and ROG 3.It worked flawlessly with all these devices and switching phones to dock was never and issue.But something strange happened several months ago. I had kept Asus R...

kaash by Rising Star I
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Kunai 3 in ROG 3 not working

Hello!After I was asked to do a firmware update for my Kunai 3 controller, it no longer works properly. Then I got the message that the update was not successful. Now it no longer works in USB mode, and only the left con works in Bluetooth mode. On t...


Asus Rog phone 3 battery replacement

Hey everyone, I need some help! I'm looking for an original Asus ROG Phone 3 battery, but I'm having trouble finding one. Most of the offline stores in India don't seem to sell ROG phone accessories—they only stock laptops and PCs. If anyone knows wh...

Rog 3 boots into black screen (after rog logo) only volume works

Hello. i have rog 3 that has been turned off for about 2 years.  I charged it to 100% and tried to boot it. The Android logo appears, then the ROG logo, then the loading strip for a few seconds.... after which the screen turns black. If i press the v...

adlarch by Star I
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