Laptop automatically turns off its screen while working
My rog strix g15 has win 11 and im turning on never to furn off screen on battery or plugged in battery settings but my laptop does turn off randomly whipe working!
My rog strix g15 has win 11 and im turning on never to furn off screen on battery or plugged in battery settings but my laptop does turn off randomly whipe working!
Hi Zenfans! I have just recently purchased a VivoBook 16, when I open and update the (pre-installed) GlideX App it always say, "Please update GlideX for Windows to the latest version." yeah, I did. And when I tried to connect to my device which is my...
Hello, I want to download an update for the Android system for the Zenfone2 Selfie phone. Contact me by email:
Is there any update regarding the bootloader unlock tool? Its been disabled for so long and Asus is taking the piss. What is going on?
Hi! i think i made a mistake while registering my laptop and now I can't access the email shown. Can i change it??
My Asus ROG Strix G15 Laptop is heating from the bottom, and the fan is running at full speed on my common uses, such as Chrome and YouTube. Any solution???
Using MyAsus I got the following message: However, when I try to access the offer I get the following message: Please assist.
As shown in several posts ¹ Asus took the (distasteful) decision to deprive the community from the long-term Zenfone support it deserved. Not only did it stopped providing support *but* also unpublished files which used to be available (!)Hosting did...
Need to submit a warranty claim on Faulty NUC devices, These two nucs wont turn on. I have tried multi psu, and cables, The LED won’t even turn on. Ram and SDD been replaced. No difference,
Hi! Does anyone have a tip of how to clean the Bezel Free Kit? Mine is very dusty but I am afraid of washing it. Thank you in advance! Kind regards,Juan