01-25-2024 06:05 AM
So, I purchased a new 2-pack of XT9s and I spent most of yesterday evening attempting to set them up and it's been a problem. Basically, the WAN port and all of the ethernet ports don't register that I've plugged in a cable.
I've tried rebooting my modem and the router in various orders with various periods of waiting and nothing.
I have verified that if I hook everything back up to my old router using the same modem and cables, everything still works after I reboot the modem. It only doesn't work with the XT9.
I tried running diagnose and it reports my network is functioning correctly, when it clearly isn't.
Do I most likely have a defective unit, or is there something I should be trying that I'm not?
Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you.
01-25-2024 04:31 PM
This is from the Troubleshooting section of the XT9 Manual:
Restart in this sequence:
1. Turn off the modem.
2. Unplug the modem.
3. Turn off the router and computers.
4. Plug in the modem.
5. Turn on the modem and then wait for 2 minutes.
6. Turn on the router and then wait for 2 minutes.
7. Turn on computers.
If this doesn't get you any further then likely a call to ASUS support is needed.