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Instability with ZenWiFi BE14000 (BT8) after latest firmware upgrade - devices with no internet

Star II

While the latest firmware has fixed some issues with iPhones disconnecting... I'm having new problems with devices, iphone and various IoT devices appearing to be connected to the Wifi, but with no internet connection! For my iPhones, toggling wifi off then on fixes the problem usually, but with some of my IoT devices, including my home security system, that is not so easy to do, and it is particularly concerning with my security system as it could obviously negate the point of having it if it can't be monitored while I'm away, so this is a very serious issue that needs to be looked into and fixed ASAP!!

Anyone else having these issues with the latest firmware version

Can anyone from Asus please comment and escalate this issue??



Star I

I have same problem with my devices, phones, laptop, tv are disconnecting somehow but stays connected. Also when streaming on TV constant buffering. Also on phone checking reels or youtube a lot of buffering.

Thanks for replying - confirms it isn't just a problem with my set up - I have all of those same issues you mentioned as well... Scolling on the phone and feeds or videos stop loading, watching TV and it buffers or the quality drops, etc; I have Gig+ speed internet and less than 30 devices, which show strong connections and get good results on the speed tests in all corners of my house when everything is "working." 

So far this has felt like more of a downgrade from what I had from my ISP (XFiinity), my speeds are faster when I do a speed test and it works - but there is a lot more instability which is a lot more troublesome... This system was expensive and it's too late return it for me, I really hope these are just software/firmware issues that can ultimately be corrected, and preferably ASAP!


I can fully agree what you mention above. Nothing to see at the speedtest. But constantly buffering everywhere. 

I think and hope they can fixed with a firmware update to.