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Asus XT12 Wi-Fi performance and device to node connection weirdness.

Star I

Hey everyone,

Got my XT12's (got the 2 pack) setup a few weeks ago, and when they work, they work well.  The thing i've noticed is the Wi-fi performance is flaky at times, it'll have good download speeds, then all of the sudden it dips down to single digit Mbps, and even stops downloading altogether, just to ramp back up a few minutes later and it constantly repeats itself.  Took me almost an hour to download 3.5 GB, because of this fluctuating speed and I have a Gig upload/download symmetrical speeds from my ISP.


I've also noticed that devices that are near my 2nd node will fluctuate from connecting to that one and the primary node, this results in worse performance and less Wi-fi signal to the device.  It sometimes will be good for most of the day, but then I'll look again later on, and it'll be connected to the primary node for whatever reason.

I'm on the most recent stable firmware back in December  I see there have been 2 beta firmware's in December and March, not sure if those could help with these strange issues, but I'd like to report these issues now to try and see if a firmware update could help alleviate these issues. 

I've sent feedback twice when it'd be happening, haven't heard anything back from support though.



Appreciate it!


will I receive a follow up email or anything with their findings?  Or if they need more logs sent?

Hey there, I just sent feedback in regards to the device to node connection issues.

Look at MAC address F4:46:37:D6:3A:EE, 38:E7:C0:10:4B:3E, and A8:8C:3E:AE:DE:AD.

These are all by the secondary (child) node, yet they're connecting to the primary node that is farther away, resulting in worse performance. 


Hi @jbode6 ,

After analyzing the logs internally, no relevant abnormal conditions were found. We kindly request the following information to further investigate:

  1. What is the model of the modem at the front end of the XT12?
  2.  Could you please connect the computer separately to the modem and XT12 for speed testing and provide screenshots of the results for analysis?
  3. Can you perform a speed test using the built-in speed test feature of the modem and XT12? Please provide screenshots of the speed test results for reference.
  4. Please try to enable Dual WAN, select LAN 1 as the secondary WAN, and connect the WAN cable to LAN 1. Under these conditions, does the speed issue still occur?
  5. Could you clarify whether the speed issue occurs randomly or if it happens when a single device is downloading at that moment? Are there other devices simultaneously downloading during the issue?
  6. Regarding speed tests, please use the same speed test server when testing different devices.

Additionally, since the final log recording time provided was 8/15 07:36, we cannot confirm if there was an issue at that specific time. If you have additional syslog data from that time, please provide it for further investigation.

Apologize for any inconvenience caused. Could you please assist in clarifying this matter further?

Thank you.