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Asus XT12 Wi-Fi performance and device to node connection weirdness.

Star I

Hey everyone,

Got my XT12's (got the 2 pack) setup a few weeks ago, and when they work, they work well.  The thing i've noticed is the Wi-fi performance is flaky at times, it'll have good download speeds, then all of the sudden it dips down to single digit Mbps, and even stops downloading altogether, just to ramp back up a few minutes later and it constantly repeats itself.  Took me almost an hour to download 3.5 GB, because of this fluctuating speed and I have a Gig upload/download symmetrical speeds from my ISP.


I've also noticed that devices that are near my 2nd node will fluctuate from connecting to that one and the primary node, this results in worse performance and less Wi-fi signal to the device.  It sometimes will be good for most of the day, but then I'll look again later on, and it'll be connected to the primary node for whatever reason.

I'm on the most recent stable firmware back in December  I see there have been 2 beta firmware's in December and March, not sure if those could help with these strange issues, but I'd like to report these issues now to try and see if a firmware update could help alleviate these issues. 

I've sent feedback twice when it'd be happening, haven't heard anything back from support though.




Hi @jbode6 ,

based on your issue, may I ask have you encounter fluctuating speeds and devices connecting to different nodes?

What device are you referring to that switches between the two nodes? Could you please provide the product model?

Make sure there are no physical obstructions or interference sources (such as other electronic devices, microwaves, or cordless phones) that could be affecting the Wi-Fi signal.

Try placing the nodes in more central locations or experimenting with their positioning to find the best signal.

In your router settings, you can try manually changing the Wi-Fi channels. Sometimes, there could be interference from neighboring Wi-Fi networks, and changing channels might help.

You can also try performing a factory reset on the system and reconfiguring it from scratch. This can sometimes resolve software-related issues that might be affecting performance.

While you're on the latest stable firmware, it might still be worth trying the beta firmware versions. Beta firmware may include bug fixes and optimizations that could improve performance.

Thank you.

Hey there, thanks for the reply!


I’ve tried everything mentioned above and it’s still flaky with the Wi-Fi performance at random.


I usually don’t like to go into beta firmwares as I need my system to be stable.  Is there any word on when the newest stable version will be released?  It’s been about 7 months since the last one was dropped, just curious.

Also, in regards to feedback, do I ever receive a reply to those?  


Hi @jbode6 ,

based on your issue, for the feedback log, have you enter "Submit"?

Plase make sure you follow the following steps.

  1. Connect your device (PC, laptop, etc.) to the router and open the Web management interface ( in your web browser.
  2. Click on "Administration" and then select "Issue Report."
  3. Fill in your location, email address (required), ASUS service/case number, problem type, and problem description. Please read and agree to the privacy policy and relevant terms of service.
  4. Click "Submit" to submit your form.

Additionally, please provide the product serial number, the time you sent the feedback report, the email used for the feedback report, and the time when the issue occurred via private message at the top right corner.

And it is still suggest that you can try to update to the beta firmware version to confirm whether the issue still occur, both beta Version and Version,  can be downgraded via web GUI.

What device are you referring to that switches between the two nodes? Could you please provide the product model? Whether the device firmware is at the latest version?

After you sent the information of the feedback at the private messege, we'll forward your case to relevant department.

Thank you.

Hey there, I sent you a private message with all of the details. 
