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Rising Star II
since ‎11-19-2019

User Statistics

  • 107 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
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  • 30 Kudos received

User Activity

My aero active cooler's headphone jack stops working after 3 months. I purchased it from Flipkart and there is not return or replacement policy there. How can i replacement my aero active cooler' ??
I signed application for beta enrollment . Manu of you guys signed it too. Any one got confirmation about beta or starting date ?
After latest update .131 reset your wifi and Bluetooth settings and restart the phone. Now you should be able to successfully apply for beta enrollment. Here the proof
Rog3 not rooted latest 122 versionRog 3 is suffering alot in vidoe playback. YouTube is fine but watching any movie and series on Netflix and Amazon prime is stuttering alot and frames lagging makes it unable to watch. Tried different frame rates 60,...
Gaming and normal tasks are just fine. But rog 3 is heating up crazy while charging. I even tried it charging with areo active cooler on , still heats up . I'm on latest version .78. I tried resetting the phone . Doesn't help. Only possible way to ch...
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