Star III


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After repairing my phone is not working properly games are lagging and heats up too much. Processor speed has decreased to 1.30 only in xmode also. Are they using duplicate parts while changing motherboard?? My phone was dead on October and was in wa...
Hi all my phone is lagging heavy while playing BGMI and processor speed showing is just 1.04.pls help me solve this. I have all recent updates 
Scope flickering while playing with or without screen guard same issueTried sensitivity testing it says no issue2 month old phoneRequesting Pls get it replaced with new onetried all solutions
Hi I just switched myself from IOS device to ROG 5 for BGMI Only but seems its still needs to refine for Gaming. If its for gaming then company needs to focus on gaming fundamentals. SD888 doesn't count on if phone doesn't identify how many flingers...