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07-06-2020 02:07 AM
Welcome to Zentalk ZenFone Max Pro Series - English Community! For a better communication atmosphere for everyone, before you post a new thread, kindly refer to the points below
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2. Name the title of your thread more accurately! This small act is not only helping you to get the help you need from others more quickly, but also helps other Zenfone Max Pro members find the post once they face a similar situation.
Adding your model and firmware version in the title is a crucial tip 🧐, for example..
Zenfone Max Pro M1>>>
(M1) [ZB601KL or ZB602KL Firmware] Facebook stopped working after ...
Zenfone Max Pro M2>>>
(M2) [ZB630KL or ZB631KL Firmware] Facebook stopped working after ...
3. Avoid opening a new thread that might overlap with others, so that the mods and users could focus on the issue, rather than spending time trying to find the issue. Search before you post!
#How to tell if my question is same as what another user has asked?
a. Same device model?
b. Same firmware?
Check your current firmware version by: Settings>System>About Phone>Build Number
4. To avoid any personal information leaking, please do not share your SN or IMEI in public. Quite dangerous!
5. For more information, please check on Newbie guide and commence your ZenTalk journey :airplane::cloud:
(to be continued)
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07-12-2020 02:01 AM
veeharish2005@Christine_ASUS@Christine_ASUS sometimes when I edit my post, the edited post does not get posted instead there will be a little popup in the bottom of the screen saying "the post will appear when the post is "(I don't remember the last word)
And the post will appear like 3 to 6 days after I posted the comment.
Can you guys check if it is a bug or something like that.
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Can you guys help me with this.
Every time I edit a comment, the edited comment does not get posted instead the post disappeares and there will be a pop up saying "your comment will appear after it is approved" and the post will appear after 3 or 4 days.
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07-12-2020 04:50 AM
Also bug search bar for reducing the same big reports and the above upvote option helps them support same bug, reveling the intensity of the bug issue.
*Up vote is only available for questions.
Or having some button for saying I have same issue is also appreciated.
Thank you.
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09-11-2020 07:15 AM
Padahal sebelum nya di android oreo biasa aja gak ada masalah alias lancar .
Semenjak di update ke pie hp max pro m1 saya jadi mati terus terutama saat bermain game .
Mohon solusinya kaka makasih .
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09-12-2020 04:34 PM
setiansyahagus4Jangan main sambil di cas soalnya kalau hp nya udh overheat bisa mati mendadak.Solusinya dong ka semenjak update android pie hp asus max pro m1 jadi mati mendadak .
Padahal sebelum nya di android oreo biasa aja gak ada masalah alias lancar .
Semenjak di update ke pie hp max pro m1 saya jadi mati terus terutama saat bermain game .
Mohon solusinya kaka makasih .
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Coba di matikan ulang aja siapa tau bisa.
saya pakai Android 9 udh lama itu pun nggak ada kendala, mungkin baterai aja sih yg sedikit boros
Udh pengalaman tahun lalu saya
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09-26-2020 12:23 PM
firosmart.infoEngak ka saya kalo main hp selalu batrai 90% gak pernah sambil cas .https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/111856#Comment_111856
Jangan main sambil di cas soalnya kalau hp nya udh overheat bisa mati mendadak.
Coba di matikan ulang aja siapa tau bisa.
saya pakai Android 9 udh lama itu pun nggak ada kendala, mungkin baterai aja sih yg sedikit boros
Udh pengalaman tahun lalu saya
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Dari awa main game aja belum juga beres satu ronde udah mati total , itu berulang ka sampe sekarang sebelum update itu hp saya normal aja gak ada kendala .