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##Before you post a new thread##

Community Legend II
Hi ASUS family
Welcome to Zentalk ZenFone Max Pro Series - English Community! For a better communication atmosphere for everyone, before you post a new thread, kindly refer to the points below
1. Choose the Community in preference to your language and country
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2. Name the title of your thread more accurately! This small act is not only helping you to get the help you need from others more quickly, but also helps other Zenfone Max Pro members find the post once they face a similar situation.
Adding your model and firmware version in the title is a crucial tip 🧐, for example..
Zenfone Max Pro M1>>>
(M1) [ZB601KL or ZB602KL Firmware] Facebook stopped working after ...
Zenfone Max Pro M2>>>
(M2) [ZB630KL or ZB631KL Firmware] Facebook stopped working after ...

3. Avoid opening a new thread that might overlap with others, so that the mods and users could focus on the issue, rather than spending time trying to find the issue. Search before you post!
#How to tell if my question is same as what another user has asked?
a. Same device model?
b. Same firmware?
Check your current firmware version by: Settings>System>About Phone>Build Number

4. To avoid any personal information leaking, please do not share your SN or IMEI in public. Quite dangerous!

5. For more information, please check on Newbie guide and commence your ZenTalk journey :airplane::cloud:
(to be continued)

Star III
To whomever it may concern,
To make thinks clear it would be nice to have these forums seperated for max pro M1 and M2, also in release notes.
Proof reading for disabling foul words, and a proper replay system with considerable info. As per now the replay or the support we are getting from the team is not satisfying any of the customers and the rage of the customers in the forum's is a proof.
Transparency of the status over android system updates is better than giving an open ended reply, which is becoming main issue for trust in you company.
Thank you,
A customer.

Rising Star I
Can anyone tell that when asus will provide any update?
No Updates since this month

Rising Star II
"Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results"
Now, why do people keep asking same question here and expect a different answer?

Community Legend II
Here is for building a forum guide, for people who have any question, please find the thread related to your question. Do not comment this thread unless you have suggestion for the forum guide. Thank you.
And thanks vamsi for the advice, leaving a nice example 😉